Posts Tagged ‘transforming self’

being wrong

That blogs invoke a kind of informality is highly beneficial to the anthropologist in the field.

It opens the door to being wrong. [and/or stupid in public]

If I wait more, think more, reflect more, learn more, will I still be wrong? Should I hide how wrong I am now? When do I come out with it?

If only people who agree with me read this blog, how will blogging change it? [stop boring people]

Well it helps me think and reflect. And even with some friends and foes. Why do that publicly? [and some readers still caught this far in my ramble might wake up and realize they’ve been caught in one of those internet drifts… how did I get here again?]

Maybe the informal nature of the blog will save me from peoples expectations of expertise – I’m just interested! (and wrong).

to my future. . .

will great titles change me? Is it my destiny to become an expert?

i seek power. I seek recognition. [arts degree]

I am riding a wave too. When you find a way out –

let me know. [job]